Surf City Beach Cruisers


Surf City Beach Cruisers is located in Huntington Beach California. It is the perfect place for a bike shop. There is a ten mile paved beach path that is ideal for bikers. From sunsets to sunrises one can see the ocean while biking. This trip along the famous Pacific Coast Highway is perfect for all levels and skill-sets of biking as it offers serine safety too all. One can stop and picnic, take photos, or just soak up the beauty. The path offers places to take bathroom breaks too! With a place like this around everyone is going to own a bike. Surf City Beach Cruisers is here for it and we offer low prices and have a lot of variety. Bikes for men, women and children in all different brands and colors are available. We also offer a wide selection of accessories.
Let us prepare you for your greatest adventures!

“Your bike is a discovery;
your bike is freedom.
It doesn’t matter where you are
when you’re on the saddle,
you’re taken away.”
-Doug Donaldson

Contact Us

Give us a call at: 714-321-4408
or hit us up on our social media: